If your property is a residential property and you would like to submit an online objection then click the Online Residential Objection.
Download the Residential Objection Form to post or deliver to council
LG Valuation Services Pty Ltd has been contracted to undertake Statutory Valuation Services of all properties in your Municipal Area on behalf of Valuer General Victoria (VGV) as the valuation authority.
Please Note: Only objections for Greater Shepparton City Council can be lodged via this website.
If you have an objection for any other Victorian municipality, please lodge it via the VGV portal Objecting to a rating valuation (land.vic.gov.au)
If your property is a residential property and you would like to submit an online objection then click the Online Residential Objection.
Download the Residential Objection Form to post or deliver to council
If your property is a rural property and you would like to submit an online objection then click Online Rural Objection.
Download the Rural Objection Form to post or deliver to council
If your property is a commercial or industrial property and you would like to submit an online objection then click Online Comm/Ind Objection.
Download the Commercial or Industrial Objection Form to post or deliver to council
Rating Authority Valuation Process
In the 2023/24 year the valuation process is the responsibility of each municipality. This includes undertaking the
valuations used for municipal rating and state land tax assessment purposes. Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) has
a statutory obligation to ensure that these valuations are undertaken in accordance with the Valuation of Land
Act 1960 (VLA).
Rating valuations are based on analysis of applicable sale prices and rental returns of similar properties by
qualified valuers. To successfully argue that a valuation is too high, you will need to demonstrate by sales and
rents of comparable properties, that the valuation should be lower.
Objection and Appeal Process
The VLA also covers the objection and appeals processes available to people who are aggrieved by their rating
authority valuation. The Act and its associated regulations prescribe the following objections processes.
Who May Object (Section 16 VLA)
If you disagree with the assessment of value made by your municipal council and you are liable for the payment
of rates as the owner or occupier, then you may lodge a written objection with your Council.
When Can I Lodge an Objection? (Section 18 VLA)
You have two (2) months from when Council issued your Valuation (and Rates) Notice to lodge an objection with
the Council.
Lodging the Objection (Section 16 VLA)
The objection MUST be in writing and:
Grounds for Objection (Section 17 VLA)
The grounds for objection are:
Objection Form
The completion of the appropriate objection form available from Council, will ensure compliance with the above
and assist in discussions with the valuer.
Please post or deliver completed form(s) to the Valuation Office at your local Council.
Where can I obtain property sales information to assist with my objection?
Property sales information may be purchased from the DSE Landata Customer Service by calling (03) 8636
2456. Alternatively you may collect sales information from auction results published in the press or from local
real estate agents, or via a google internet search.
Dealing with the Objection (Section 21(2) VLA)
When an objection is lodged with Council, it is referred to the valuer for consideration. The valuer then must
provide a reasonable opportunity for the objector to discuss the matter.
Within four (4) months after receiving the objection notice, the valuer has the option to:
(a) Disagree with the objection, whereby no adjustment to the valuation is considered justified and a written
notice of disallowance is provided to the objector; or
(b) Agree that an adjustment to the valuation is justified and provide a notice recommending an appropriate
adjustment to the objector, the Council and the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV).
Following option (a) (disallowance), the objector and the Council are notified directly. No action from VGV is
Following option (b) (an adjustment is recommended), VGV has two (2) months after receiving this notice of
recommendation to either agree or disagree with the adjustment to the valuation as recommended by the valuer.
Valuation Appeals Process
If an objector is dissatisfied with the objection outcome, they can apply directly to the Victorian Civil and
Administrative Appeals Tribunal VCAT to review the matter.
The Valuation of Land Act 1960 can be viewed at www.legislation.vic.gov.au.
Objection to State Land Tax Valuation
Any objection to the site value used to levy state land tax should be referred to the State Revenue Office.